sábado, 17 de maio de 2014

awaking the witch

to listen while reading, awaking the witch - kate bush

until european polls are done, i think we can get a few, to burn them alive, or, if we're kind, maybe just drown them. i got my list, draft yours and bring the scythe.

até às europeias acho que temos tempo para queimar algumas vivas ou, se formos simpáticos, afogarmos umas quantas. eu tenho a minha lista, faz a tua e traz a gadanha.

Central picture: Meryl Streep as The Witch, in Into the Woods' Rob Marshall movie, premiering in December.
1. Black Tie rug by Nika Zupanc, silk, leather and ceramic bow, Ø100cm €31.000 at Nodus;  2. Peche ceiling lamp, 1922, €26.000, Woka;  3. Vintage Style Love Bird lamp, by The Flower Studio, Ø17x20cm, €30,66 at Not on the High Street;  4. Wonderland candlestick by Stephen Johnson, 100% recycled aluminum, aprox. €71 at Artecnica;  5. Marine Light table lamps, by NirMeiri, metal base and seaweed shade, Ø33x40cm, out of collection;  6. Metal Wire cushion by Louise Roe, 60x60cm €93 at Cahetu;  7. Donut stools by Alessandra Baldereschi, straw and metal, for Mogg, prices in a few days at Diseno Absoluto.

imagem central: Meryl Streep interpreta A Bruxa no filme Into the Woods, de Rob Marshal, nas salas em Dezembro.
1. Tapete Black Tie por Nika Zupanc, seda, cabedal e laço de cerâmica, Ø100cm €31.000 na Nodus;  2. Candeeiro de tecto Peche, 1922, €26.000 na Woka;  3. Lanterna Love Bird, por The Flower Studio, Ø17x20cm €30,66 na Not on the High Street;  4. Castiçal Wonderland, por Stephen Johnson, 100% aluminio reciclado, aprox. €71 na Artecnica;  5. Candeeiro de mesa Marine Light, por NirMeiri, base metálica e quebra-luz de algas, Ø33x40cm, fora de colecção;  6. Almofada Metal Wire, por Louise Roe, 60x60cm €93 na Cahetu;  7. Bancos Donut, por Alessandra Baldereschi, palha e metal, para a Mogg, preços daqui a uns dias na Diseno Absoluto. 

1. Gomitolo clock by Benedetta and Carlo Tamborini, crochet, for Diamantini & Domeniconi, €454 at Atmospheras;  2. Dark Wood coffee table, €93 at French Connection;  3. Bell lamp, by Marcel Wanders, mouth blown glass and ceramic bow, starts at Ø22x23cm, for Moooi, €478,47 at Sapce Invaders;  4. Rio coffee table, by Giorgio Cattelan, wood top and lacquered aluminum, 60x70x35cm starts at €564, for Cattelan;  5. Liquorice side table, black, white or aluminum, 34x34x40cm, €227 excl vat, at Gallix;  6. Indi wallpaper panel, repeats in width each 170cm, €11,68/square foot, at Troveline;  7. Emile Henry Natural Chic terrine, €37,60 at Occa Home;  8. Brodgar Straw back chair, by Gareth Neal & Kevin Gauld, oak and straw, drawer under the seat, 61x56x81cm, €277,23 at The New Craftsmen;  9. Peacock Cabinet, blackened rattan, from Zenza, at Silverfield;  10. Summer Table flower collection, manufactured porcelain, €1070 the peony, €1940 the artichoke and €1290 the lotus blossom at Nymphenburg.

1. Relógio Gomitolo, por Benedetta e Carlo Tamborini, crochet, para a Diamantini & Domeniconi, €454 na Atmospheras;  2. Mesa de centro Dark Wood, €93 na French Connection;  3. Candeeiro de tecto Bell, por Marcel Wanders, vidro soprado e laço em cerâmica, a partir de Ø22x23cm, para a Moooi, €478,47 na Space Invaders;  4. Mesa de apoio Rio, por Giorgio Cattelan, tampo de madeira e aluminio lacado, 60x70x35cm a partir de €564, da Cattelan;  5. Mesa de apoio Liquorice, preto, branco ou alumínio, 34x34x40cm, €227 exc vat na Gallix;  6. Painel  de parede de parede Indi, repete na largura a cada 170cm, €11,68/pé quadrado na Troveline;  7. Terrina Natural Chic por Emile Henry, €37,60 na Occa Home;  8. Cadeira Brodgar Straw, por Gareth Neal & Kevin Gauld, carvalho e palha, gaveta debaixo do assento, 61x56x81cm, €277,23 na The New Craftsmen;  9. Armário Peacock, rattan escurecido, da Zenza na Silverfield;  10. Flores Summer Table, porcelana manufacturada, €1070 a peónia, €1940 a alcachofra e €1290 a flor de lótus, na Nymphenburg.   

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