to listen while reading, Tribalistas - Tribalistas
300.000! 300.000 emigrants in just 3 years! did you ear it, oh so enlightened rulers with so darkened intentions? These awkward situation gives background for the exhibition Never for Money, Always for Love, curated by Bruno Carvalho and Anna Loporcaro, on Design City Luxembourg 2014. Portuguese are the largest immigrant community in the country; until the July 15, 14 Portuguese and local designers will show, attending to concrete realities as economy crisis or increasingly scarce natural resources, how design can bring new solutions. At Mudam.
300.000! 300.000 emigrantes em 3 anos! ouviram, ó altas esferas de tão baixo nível? dá pano para mangas e para ser pano de fundo numa exposição no âmbito da Design City Luxembourg 2014. A comunidade portuguesa emigrada no Luxemburgo é de todas a mais numerosa; até 15 de Junho, com curadoria de Bruno Carvalho e Anna Loporcaro, 14 designers portugueses e locais compõem a mostra Never for Money, Always for Love que, tendo em conta realidades como a crise económica e a escalada da escassez de recursos naturais, apresenta novas soluções trazidas pelo design. No Mudam.
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1. Dress by Daniela Pais; 2. Revolution, by Bernardo Gaeiras, a designers tool between traditional potter's wheel and CAD software; 3. Insects au Gratin, by Susana Soares, an installation/investigation on developing a 3D printer that uses insect protein based flour as a building medium for the production of sustainable food; 4. Leys, by Gilles Gardula, concerning relationship with people from abroad, especially Portuguese people, "many of our craft in Luxembourg would have long disappeared if there hadn't been qualified Portuguese workers". Well, it feels nice to be appreciated. |
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