É bom saber que o eco, o comércio justo e o sustentável são importantes ao ponto de serem uma fileira que merece já a sua propria feira internacional. A Eco Style, das Feiras de Frankfurt, vai decorrer nessa cidade entre 24 e 26 de Agosto. Um júri interno faz passar as empresas que se candidatam a expor por um crivo cerrado: o produto exposto tem que obedecer a critérios rigorosos como eco-sustentabilidade comprovada, justeza comercial, entre outros. Existem candidatas portuguesas já em processo de aprovação, e as candidaturas não estão ainda fechadas. A fileira eco e o comércio justo não são já apenas uma moda, são o modo. Descalabros como a Monsanto ou as fomes endémicas são coisas que, mais que poderem e claro deverem ser corrigidas, feitas com consciências humana e planetária não teriam acontecido nunca.
It's good to know that eco, fair trade and sustainability are now important to the point that deserves their own international fair. The Eco Style, from Messe Frankfurt, will be held in this city between 24 and 26 August. A jury passes proponent companies who apply for exposing through a narrow sieve: the product to be exposed must obey strict criteria as proven eco-sustainability, trade fairness, among others. There are Portuguese candidates already in the process of approving, and the applications are not yet closed. The eco and fair trade are no longer just a fashion, they are the mode. Misfortunes such as Monsanto or endemic famines are things that can and must be corrected; made with human and planetary consciousness things like these would never happened.
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1.Cabeça de rinoceronte em papel armado, da Mama Afrika; 2.Garrafa da Dopper; 3.Serviço Comodo, da Kahla; 4.Caixa de arrumos da Werkhaus; 5.Serviço de mesa em bambu prensado, da 8Pandas; 6.Pêndulos em latão para radiestesia, da Berk Esoterik; 7.Almofada da Respecca. 1.Paper rhino head, by Mama Afrika; 2.Dopper bottle; 3.Comodo table set, by Kahla; 4.Storage box, by Werkhaus; 5.Table set in pressed bamboo, by 8Pandas; 6. Brass pendulums for radiesthesia, by Berk Esoterik; 7.Cushion, from Respecca. |
It's good to know that eco, fair trade and sustainability are now important to the point that deserves their own international fair. The Eco Style, from Messe Frankfurt, will be held in this city between 24 and 26 August. A jury passes proponent companies who apply for exposing through a narrow sieve: the product to be exposed must obey strict criteria as proven eco-sustainability, trade fairness, among others. There are Portuguese candidates already in the process of approving, and the applications are not yet closed. The eco and fair trade are no longer just a fashion, they are the mode. Misfortunes such as Monsanto or endemic famines are things that can and must be corrected; made with human and planetary consciousness things like these would never happened.
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