sexta-feira, 21 de junho de 2013

big in japan

to listen while reading, big in japan - alphaville

This is an 'hunger as the best sauce' typical case: when Klein Dytham studio moved to Tokyo, found at Japanese permanent gluttony for the new and the detail the best audience for their work. Proof of this are the new Google Japan offices, where the studio clearly bet in Japan's picturesque decorativism, smoothed by clean form furnishings, almost in a Nordic way.

Caso típico de juntou-se a fome com a vontade de comer: o estúdio Klein Dytham, ao estabelecer-se em Tóquio, encontrou na gula permanente dos japoneses pelo novo e pelo detalhe a melhor plateia para o trabalho que desenvolve. Prova disto são os novos escritórios da Google Japan, onde a dupla apostou claramente no decorativismo pitoresco nipónico, acalmado com mobiliário seco de forma, quase nórdico.

This is an 'hunger as the best sauce' typical case: when Klein Dytham studio moved to Tokyo, found at Japanese permanent gluttony for the new and the detail the best audience for their work. Proof of this are the new Google Japan offices, where the studio clearly bet in Japan's picturesque decorativism, smoothed by clean form furnishings, almost in a Nordic way.

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