"Viver numa sociedade com objectos fraudulentos não é menos perigoso do que viver numa sociedade de pessoas corrompidas, e a indulgência não é desculpável, uma vez que a fraude foi claramente exposta." Henry van de Velde, in Pages de Doctrine, 1929.
Henry van de Velde é a figura homenageada pela exposição The Toolbox, levada a Milão durante o Salone, no âmbito da acção Belgium is Design, uma guilda de instituições regionais que a Bélgica promove em exposições internacionais desde 2011 para mostrar a actividade do país na fileira design. Há aqui uma diferença abismal entre atitudes das nações, mesmo em prosaísmos como idas conjuntas a eventos internacionais como este; ele há ir assim, numa comunidade unida, sob uma mesma bandeira, grandes produtores e nomes nunca ouvidos, em defesa da produção nacional; e há os outros, onde vai a nata escolhida pelo chantilly, ou como dizia o Luís Barbeiro, pelo clube-dos-amigos-disney. Gosto mais desta atitude, verdadeiramente contemporânea e fica muito bem ao lado do produto. Os nomes são muitos, o post ficaria demasiado longo; faça-nos um favor, a mim e a si, e veja o resto da produção aqui.
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Cabane, por Alain Berteau, abrigo acústico em cartão alvéolado e tecido biodegradável, produzido e distribuido por ABV / Cabane, by Alain Berteau, acoustic shelter in honeycomb cardboard and covered in a biodegradable fabric, produced and distributed by ABV |
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Cadeira Lalinea, por Michael Bihain, aço acabado epoxy, produzida por Metal Concept / Chair Lalinea, by Michael Bihain, powder-coated steel, produced by Metal Concept |
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Buzzigrid, por Alain Gilles, buffer suspenso em feltro, formado por painéis individuais numa trelícia desenhada para finalidades específicas, produzido e distribuido por BuzziSpace / Buzzigrid, by Alain Gilles, ceiling suspended acoustic buffer in felt, assembled in lattice with individual panels to suit specific needs, produced and distributed by BuzziSpace |
Banco The Tree, por Kaspar Hamacher, carvalho belga oleado e encerado / Bench The Tree, by Kaspar Hamacher, oiled and waxed belgian oak |
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Biombo Fold, por Mookum, com propriedades acústicas, em feltro sintético reciclado, produzido e distribuído por Studio Segers / Fold, by Mookum, room divider with acoustic properties in recycled synthetic felt, produced and distributed by Studio Segers |
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Kino, por Emmanuel Gardin, família de candeeiros em folha dobrada de multiestrato de madeira ou alumínio, com base em maciço de madeira, produzido por Krizalidstudio / Kino, by Emmanuel Gardin, family of lamps made from a single bent plywood sheet (or aluminium), with a wooden base acting as a counterbalance, produced by Krizalidstudio |
Estante XYZ, madeira lacada com juntas de bronze expostas, desenho, produção e distribuição por Lhoas & Lhoas Architects, em parceria com o estúdio Menuiserie Massart / XYZ bookcase, in lacquered wood with visible brass screws, designed, produced and distributed by Lhoas & Lhoas Architects, in collaboration with Manuiserie Massart |
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Obi, por aM, castiçal para tea-lights compost por dois anéis de madeira de faia, produzido e distribuído por Oxygène / Obi, by aM, tea-light holder with two beech wood rings, produced and distributed by Oxygène |
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Candeeiro Butterfly, por Benoit Deneufbourg, carvalho ou ácer maciços, produzido e distribuido por B.dnb designStudio / Butterfly, by Benoit Deneufbourg, table lamp in solid oak or maple wood, produced and distributed by B.dnb designStudio |
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Tapete Tokyo, por Pauline Gorelov, protótipo desenvolvido pela designer numa máquina de tricotar doméstica / Tokyo, by Pauline Gorelov, rug in wool, prototype developed by the designer on a domestic knitting machine |
"To live in a society with fraudulent objects is no less dangerous than to live in a society of corrupted persons, and indulgence is no longer excusable once the fraudulence has been clearly exposed." Henry van de Velde, in Pages de Doctrine, 1929.
Henry van de Velde is the honored figure by The Toolbox exhibition, taken during the Milan Salone, under the Belgium is Design action, a guild of regional institutions in Belgium that promotes Belgium design in international exhibitions since 2011. Here, there is a vast difference between nations' attitudes, even in basics as joint trips to international events like this; there is this, a community united under one flag, major producers and names never heard in defense of national production with state help, and there are the others, where diamonds choose which pearls go to, under the who-knows-what flag. I like very much the other attitude, truly contemporary, looking great next to the product. The names are a lot, the post would be too long, do us a favor, me and you, and see the rest of the production here.
Henry van de Velde is the honored figure by The Toolbox exhibition, taken during the Milan Salone, under the Belgium is Design action, a guild of regional institutions in Belgium that promotes Belgium design in international exhibitions since 2011. Here, there is a vast difference between nations' attitudes, even in basics as joint trips to international events like this; there is this, a community united under one flag, major producers and names never heard in defense of national production with state help, and there are the others, where diamonds choose which pearls go to, under the who-knows-what flag. I like very much the other attitude, truly contemporary, looking great next to the product. The names are a lot, the post would be too long, do us a favor, me and you, and see the rest of the production here.
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